The Principles of “I and I” (Part II)

#2: Energetic pattern = energy + will This principle was lifted directly from the title of Part Two, “Soul = Dust + Breath,” with the terms converted to a layperson’s vocabulary. The translation “soul —> energetic pattern” was covered in the first principle.  The next part, “dust —> energy,” could also be “dust —> material,” […]

The Principles of “I and I” (Part I)

#1: The body is water; the soul is the wave Thanks to dualistic thought, there is a widespread misconception that the soul is something added to a body, in the words of Wendell Berry, “like a letter into an envelope.” Western religion has done as much to complicate this concept as to clarify it, suggesting […]

I and I: A Perennialist Theory of Reincarnation and Cyclical Time

Essay/non-fiction. E-book, 143 pages, apx 35,100 words. $10 via ND Media Bookstore Release date: June 4, 2023 “Dream interpretation? Statement of faith? Visionary insight? Nugget of truth from the collective subconscious? Jungian symbolism? Wishful thinking fantasy? I suspect it involves a little of all these…” Noesta’s most ambitious non-fiction project to date takes a deep […]

The Awakening of LightDark

God: You’ll have to let them know that you’re my Son for a while, do a few tricks, heal some lepers, that sort of deal. But you’ll teach them some really heavy stuff too. Blow some minds. Really get inside their skulls this time and shake up all that rigid thinking about us.

What Is “It?” Can’t Say…but you can feel It

Linear time is fake news that your brain broadcasts to your ego, causing a constant low-grade stress over its alleged impending doom. The heart and the gut tell you not to fear, that every point in time is eternity and the thrill ride you’re on brings you back where you began. What is good news […]